Saturday, January 15, 2011

A new blogging project: With a Little Luck

When I tell people that Beatles music plays everywhere I go, I usually get one of two reactions:

1. You must be payin' em.
2. Well, of course it does. You're YOU!

The first statement is not true. If I could spare that much cash, I'd buy Abbey Road Studios. There IS something to be said for the second.

It seems that almost every time I eat in a restaurant, or shop in a store, a Beatles song starts coming through those tinny little speakers. I'm starting to feel like I'm the Pied Piper. Or maybe the Fab Flautist.

It's happened so often lately, that I've decided to start a new project and have a little fun with this. Every time I hear a Bealtes-related song on a PA (group or solo) I will blog about that song.

So today, January 15, 2011 I walk into the Hasty Tasty Pancake House on Linden Avenue. First time I'd ever eaten there, actually. Sure enough, once I'm there the speakers start playing "With a Little Luck" by Paul McCartney.

The first single from the 1978 album London Town, it's one of the few Number One hits, if not the only one, to be recorded on a boat: A yacht named the Fair Carol. Alas, when this song comes on the radio or is played over a PA, it's the shorter version without the cool keyboard break. 

I prefer the longer version, so I can play air keys with it:

And here's a little more "Luck" - an early demo of the song, which I'd never heard before today!

Course, now that I've started this, the Beatles songs will start drying up when I go out - not that it will discourage me. Can't you feel the town exploding?

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